Quick Start

Quick Start


Since Hugo Theme Dream 3.0 has been released, 2.x is no longer maintained.

You can still find the 2.x code in the v2 branch (opens in a new tab).

I assume you have already been browsed Hugo Docs (opens in a new tab), if you want to use this theme, the docs will help you to understand the configurations.

First, add i18n Support

Open hugo.toml and write:

defaultContentLanguage = "en"

View the i18n folder for more details.

Website Analytics

Dream support Google Analytics (opens in a new tab) for website analytics.

In hugo.toml, set:

ID = '...'

You may have used googleAnalytics = "..." before. This is deprecated in Hugo 0.120.0.

Please upgrade to the new configuration. See https://gohugo.io/methods/site/googleanalytics/ (opens in a new tab) for more details.

Social Comments

Dream now use Disqus (opens in a new tab) for social comments.

In hugo.toml, set:

shortname = "..."

You may have used disqusShortname = "..." before. This is deprecated in Hugo 0.120.0.

Please upgrade to the new configuration. See https://gohugo.io/methods/site/disqusshortname/ (opens in a new tab) for more details.

Add "About Me"

Type in your terminal:

hugo new about/me.md

Write somethings about you:

title: About Me
Hi, my name is Yue Yang.
This is my blog.

Then create an index.md in the about folder and put below contents into it:

headless: true

Finally, click the button on the top left corner of the page. You will see what you just wrote.

OK, write a post for your blog

All of your posts must in the content/posts folder.

You can generate it by:

hugo new posts/articleTitle.md

By default, the new md file's template will contain:

title: {{ replace .TranslationBaseName "-" " " | title }}
date: {{ .Date }}
lastmod: {{ .Date }}
author: Author Name
# avatar: /img/author.jpg
# authorlink: https://author.site
cover: /img/cover.jpg
  - category1
  - tag1
  - tag2
draft: true
Cut out summary from your post content here.
The remaining content of your post.

You only need to change author, cover, categories and tags fields, the others will generate automatically.

  • author: Your name
  • cover: Current post's image, for quick start, now you can delete this line, because the theme has been placed some default images for posts.
  • categories and tags: if you haven’t thought about it, you can ignore them for now.

At last, remove draft: true and run hugo to generate your site.

If your want to have a preview in editing, run:

hugo server -D

in your blog folder, the -D represent to build draft posts.


View more details and configurations on the left sidebar.

Last updated on