Netlify CMS

Netlify CMS

If you want to use Netlify CMS (opens in a new tab) to manage your content. Dream provides a predefined configuration in the netlifyCMS folder.

To use it, create an admin folder in your static directory, then copy the contents of the netlifyCMS directory into it.

if you want to dig into the details, please view: (opens in a new tab)

If you haven't know how to deploy your site to Netlify, please read: (opens in a new tab)


If you don't want to use git submodule to track Dream updates, you can use the following build command in Netlify:

rm -rf themes/dream && git clone themes/dream && hugo --cleanDestinationDir --minify --gc

Or if you don't want to use netlify.toml, it's needed to set the HUGO_VERSION environment variable to at least 0.57.2 because this is the minimum required version of Dream.